Ran across an alarming article that provides another scary reminder about the increase of motorcycle crashes/fatalities. Here's a blurb from the report dated September 3: (Read full article)
"Raw data yields information on the rapidly changing world of the motorcycle rider, but few clues as to crash causes. At a recent industry symposium in California, federal researcher Umesh Shankar reported that helmet usage among all riders is decreasing but that the percentage of helmet usage in fatal wrecks is holding steady. The number of speeding motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes is declining, as is the number of drunk motorcyclists. And more riders are properly licensed. Organizers of safety classes, long advocated as crucial for new and returning motorcyclists alike, say demand has never been higher. Yet the fatalities increase."
The article continues to explain that crashes in the 50-59 age gro up are on the climb. Tom Lindsay of AMA and Harry Hurt, co-author of the Hurt Report are both quoted. The following is a report also included that provides current data on the subject:
"As motorcycles attract thousands of new fans, fatalities have increased, especially among riders 50 to 59 years old"
Registered motorcycles
1995 3.9 million
2003 5.4 million
Number of riders ages 50 to 59 in fatal crashes
1995 13 (of 2,227 total)
2004 646 (of 4,008)
Fatality rate per million miles traveled
1995 22.73
2003 38.93
Fatality rate per 100,000 registered motorcycles
1993 57.14
2003 69.16
Percentage of riders in fatal accidents who were properly licensed
1995 63%
2004 75%
Percentage of total traffic fatalities represented by motorcycles
1995 5%
2004 9%
Median age of motorcycle owners
1990 32 years
2003 41 years
Percentage of fatal crashes involving speeding
1995 43%
2004 37%
Percentage of riders in fatal crashes not wearing a helmet
1995 44%
2004 45%
Helmet use (all riders)
2000 71%
2005 48%