News Tidbits: Motorcycle Club Network Coming Plus HH’s Dirt Bike Experience
Thank you HH readers for all of your positive feedback about our latest issue – our second anniversary - and also for participating in HH’s new Community Voice section!
Within that section we announced a new motorcycle club network. We are underway creating a private social network - a place for moto clubs to connect through forums, and to post club photos and videos. The idea is to connect different clubs to one another in one spot in order to share ideas and itineraries, as well as solicit potential club members. If you are a member of a moto club and would like to find out more about our network, email us here and type “moto club network” in the subject line. Best of all, it will be totally free for you!
Helmet Hair’s Dirt Bike Experience: a few weeks ago, Cara Mae and I took a one-day women’s Dirt Bike School led by women’s MX pioneer, Tami Rice. If you’ve never tried it, you are missing out – what a blast! Tami rolled out the muddy red carpet for Helmet Hair by not only suiting us up in Girlyz Clothing Co. gear, but also had Kawasaki lend us two out-of-the-wrapper KLX 110s. Ok, who knew they were meant for children… not a problem on my 5’2 frame, but at 5’7, Cara Mae found it a bit awkward achieving proper riding form, nonetheless she did prevail. But we intend to tell you all about it plus the crazy gumbo/BBQ party hosted that night by a colorful East Texas character named “Diamond Don.” Look for the story in July’s issue.
On a sad note: We just learned that Shasta Johnson of Girlyz Clothing Co. (mentioned above) is now battling breast cancer. She will take part in the Susan Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day. For more about her struggle and how you can help, check out the link on
Until next week,
Becky Shimek