This issue is all about getting in touch with your inner Mother, one
of the most important roles given to women. And Mother Nature
would have to agree. She gives us so much everyday and
doesn’t ask much of us in return. Symbolic of a true nurturer.
As a motorcyclist, did you know it’s just as easy to be
conscious of your imprint throughout the daily maintenance
of your bike? Find simple solutions in the Road Goddess Guide
to help maintain your bike in a more eco-friendly way.
Speaking of mothers, as more of us hit the road,
it’s important we discuss the aspects of riding
with children. In Mamalogues, we share
thoughts and resources about keeping your
children safe as pillions.
Also in our issue devoted to all things mother,
these two mothers flew the coup for a chance to hit
the dirt (or was it more like mud?) during an all-women’s
Dirt Bike School instructed by none other than the mother
of female MX racing, Tami Rice. We also caught up with
Alice Sexton, the in-charge mama for the USA Chapter
of the Women’s International Motorcycle Association,
better known as WIMA.
And to all women who support the motorcycle lifestyle,
remember that the inner Mother lives with in you.
We hope this issue can help you tap into her to
discover the impact you can make on those around
you and the planet we share.
Happy summer riding to all,
Becky Shimek &
Cara Mae McGuire
Helmet Hair
Image: July’s Featured Artist, Carole Bennett, Urban Biker Goddess series