Long Way Down premiered at theatres around the country on July 31, 2008 with much ado and anticipation. Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman once again debuted their second motorbike mission adventure of their travels from John O’Groats, Scotland to the southernmost tip in Cape Town, Africa. In this journey, they bring awareness and raise funds for UNICEF that benefit children who have been killed or maimed by hidden landmines in Ethiopia, children who were forced to be child soldiers in Uganda and a community center for orphans whose parents passed away from AIDS in Malawi. The duo has combined their notoriety and their love of motorcycles into an unwavering humanitarian advocacy raising $580.000 (£300,000) on the Long Way Down. To learn more go to unicef.org. On a side note: During their adventure Ewan’s wife, Eve McGregor, decided to briefly join them on their journey without having ever ridden a motorcycle before. Check out this video of Eve going through the ups and downs of learning to ride and then successfully cruising along with Ewan and Charley for a short leg of the tour.