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January 30, 2009


Mellow Mac

I feel lucky to have shared the road with such a wonderful women.


I met K. Lee last year upon starting my Biker's Bling Business in San Diego. We immediately bonded with our shared passion of Fitness Businesses along with our passion for riding. We immediately shared stories and clicked. She was instrumental in my coverage with Fox News and in acquring the nice story in Helmet Hair Magazine. I had just spoke to her less than a week ago and had planned meeting for lunch. My heart is so full of sadness and loss. What a remarkable, kind, passionate and intelligent woman. I will miss her tremendously and know she will be leading many rides up above!

Kimberly Malasky
Bikers Bling
San Diego, CA

Nicole Perretta

I met Kathy Lee about 12 years ago when she was my yoga teacher at the plunge. We became fast friends and spent many an evening after class, talking, playing flutes, rolling with laughter on the floor, and occasionally taking a dip in the ocean on full moon nights. Some of my best times have been with her. I love you K.Lee and you will be missed. Namaste my friend! See you later.

Nancy "Fluffy" Stern-Jude

I met K. Lee at the Women's Motorcycle Conference in Athens, GA in 2006. She was featured in Biker Ally Magazine with her article, Biker Yoga, Breathing between the Lanes. I remember her coming up to the Biker Ally Magazine booth where Rain, Jamie and I were working and talked to us about doing yoga on a bike. I thought it was insane but when I tried some of the easier hand and full body stretches, I found my ride back to Colorado more comfortable.

Rain and I ran into K. Lee on the road in Athens one late night. I knew it was her because of her wonderful hair and the way she rode. She laughed when we came up on her because we were yelling her name.

I am so sorry to hear of her passing. She was an open and beautiful person who knew no boundaries.

Thank you K. Lee.

Nancy "Fluffy"


K. Lee was an amazing woman who truly changed my life, and continues to do so every time I practice yoga. Her gentle voice guides me, and I can still feel her touch aligning. To be able to guide souls through the darkness for a glimpse at the light is at the heart of what we all strive for in life. The gifts she gave freely to so many will live on in our hearts beyond all passing. Namaste om shanti Kathy Lee.


Three years ago this was the last day I saw you. You smiled when I came in and said you had been waiting for your foot rub and then you closed your eyes for the last time for me. I kissed you on the forehead when I was done... I think of you often my friend.... thank you for sharing your dry sarcastic wit with us.....Namaste Nina

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