"I am launching a new venture of riding gear to empower women called Chrome Rider."
Known for her intricate embellished designs, Carrie Basham creates fashion forward, feminine, and slenderizing leather apparel which is also functional for riding. Her desire is to fill the void for women motorcycle enthusiasts looking for leather to ride in without loosing her natural femininity with fitted, distinctive styles. Born in Stephenville, Texas, Carrie began her designing career at the age of 19. She designed and manufactured a sportswear line called "Carrie's Casuals" who catered to boutiques and specialty stores. Two years later Carrie and her Mother launched a ladies fashion label with a western flare called "Boske' River Ltd.". Several years later Carrie's "fast-track" career went international. Carrie successfully designed and produced men and women's garments all around the world. She co-founded Milwaukee Motorcycle Clothing Company in 1996 and launched the label “Chrome by Carrie Basham”, Made in U.S.A. in 2001. Her exposure broadened by launching “Chrome Rider by Carrie Basham” which offers her designer looks at a more competitive price. Carrie's background and experience and creative talent ensure Chrome Rider's success in this niche market. Her designs will always be on the cutting edge.
She designs for clients that appreciate her attention to detail, use of the finest raw materials and focus on fit. When asked what her passion is she stated ,"I'm inspired to make a woman feel like she is slipping into a second skin. I also feel a genuine passion to make these designs in the U.S.A. I've manufactured all over the world and after 911 I was dedicated to setting up factories in Texas and California.
My styles have a look, a personality, a feel, an attitude... they almost take on a life of their own, but most importantly, they empower her to feel beautiful, sexy and confident, yet protected on the road. My leathers are soft as buttah (butter) but road rash safe!"
Carrie's leather designs have been featured in several publications including Thunder Press, Bikes & Spikes, VQ, Asphalt Angels, and Woman Rider. Media exposure also includes a special segment on Good Morning Arizona and wardrobe for hosts on Entertainment Tonight.
Carrie has two rides. Her first motorcycle, the trusty "Harley-Davidson Sporty" and a 96 c.i. (cubic inch) custom hardtail Bourget called the Streetsweeper, when she has the Neeeed For Speeeed!
~Amy Bloom, operations & customer service
Check out this exciting new line at CarrieBasham.com