"If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation." ~ Abigail Adams
Last year, as friends in the powersports industry were getting laid off right and left, a group of women with Jessica Prokup at the helm started a simple network to help each other find jobs and other resources. They named it Powerlily, and it's been growing ever since from a modest 40 members to now a hardy 160.Powerlily includes women of diverse backgrounds and experience from every level in the industry. We are business owners, executives, administrative assistants, marketing professionals, racers, editors, freelancers, artists and entrepreneurs.
Through this network they communicate about current job openings, charity events, new business ventures, freelance work, product development - anything that helps members find employment or support each other's endeavors.
Powerlily is open to women who currently work in powersports, as well as women, both students and professionals, who are interested in getting involved in this industry. Their mission is to help more women achieve success in powersports, and build a bigger base of support for us all.
For more info on how to join this group go to
www.powerlily.net or email directly at [email protected]